Wait, THERE? That can't be right! Joe Lessen. Lessen sounds poor. Oh, you mean Lessen of the Pool Toys inc. Lessens? Unfortunately for Talia, the Legacy rules forbid making a sim part of the line when you know him or her to be rich, which Talia found out as soon as she saw the place. But that doesn't mean she can't have a little fun and fill some needs, right?
She's crashing his bed, but in the rustic guest house. That should be cool, right? It's not. She gets kicked out at 2am and has to scramble to get to the gym in time to shower for work.
Even so, she figures she could come back sometime to grab a free meal (just because you're not a moocher doesn't mean you have to be dumb!), but overall, Joe is on the outs for her big happy family plans. She asks another friend to meet her at the military base for a casual date.
Unfortunately, even with the friend's credentials, you can't actually go inside the base. Oh well. At least from the sidewalk you can be comforted that big brother is watching you from inside those mirrored windows.
By dusk this dude is a romantic interest, even though Talia doesn't really know what he looks like because he never takes his sunglasses off. Which are also mirrored. Odd.