Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Introducing Talia

Talia Lo Duco is an orphan of sorts. The product of a random name generator and an idle graduate student, she only vaguely remembers her life in rural Italy. She had chafed against the strong moral sensibilities of her hometown, mostly due to her childish, inappropriate, and downright insane nature. Upon arriving in Riverview she found she was easily impressed by modern conveniences, and that she still carried with her the family trait of frugality.

Hoping to found a family to rival the Romanovs, Talia bought the biggest plot of land Riverview had to offer, surrounded by mansions. She didn't realize this meant she would be out of money for everything but the basic necessities! Luckily, Talia was used to roughing it in the country.

What's the first thing Talia does with her new freedom?

She didn't need to use the bathroom at this point, so I figure she either has a nervous bladder or was marking her territory. And then?

Digging furiously through her own trashcan. This free will stuff isn't getting her anywhere closer to a job or a man, much less a family! Out into the world we go, hoping to meet some men at the local fishing hole.

Instead we end up at the completely deserted fish farm.

And where is she making a beeline for?

The bathroom. Again. In less than an hour. I'm thinking it's a marking territory thing now, but I really don't know. Up next, I force her on some other people. Any people.

1 comment:

  1. LOL. I've never seen sims just mark territory like that. Should be an interesting legacy there ;)
